shamu datsi (mushroom curry)

(Bhutanese cheesed mushroom recipe)

This culinary is same to that of Ema Datshi and Kewa Datshi but the main ingredients change from Chili to Potatoes to Mushroom.

Shamu Datsi Ingredients :->

1 lbs Shitake Mushrooms, or ( Oyster Mushrooms, Chanterelle Mushrooms).
1/3 cup of Cheese, (Bhutanese local cheese, or almost any kind of white cheese / go with Amul Cheese)
1/4 cup of chopped onions
1 tbs oil
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp green chili (vary amount according to your tolerance)


Cut Mushroom apart in halves or quarter pieces depending upon size. 
Put the mushroom along with some oil and salt in a saucepan or pot. 
Add 1 and 1/2 cup of water.
You can add some chopped onions and tomatoes to taste. 
Don’t forget the green chili. When the mushroom is cooked, add the cheese but do not blend the actual cheese throughout, simply allow it to melt, after which wake a bit and you are completed.

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